Saturday, 12 December 2015

Media Studies Coursework

If you didn't know already, I took media studies as an option for my GCSE's and something I defiantly want to carry on into A-levels and even university due to the high amount of interest I have in the subject. Currently we are studying film in media and after researching a film and creating our own pitch (story line) for a film we made from scratch, we need to form a poster for the film. So today I thought I would share with you the photos me and my friend took for her film poster due to me helping her out a bit. I am sort of taking the credit from someone else but don't worry, I have had her approval.

The film is called 'Sunflowers' and a little overview of the pitch is that schizophrenic girl (portrayed by Masie Williams) wakes up feeling depressed and the last thing she remembers is being in a field of bright sunflowers feeling happy healthy with someone she can't quite remember. The poster is two images combined together (a depressed and happy one - I'm sure you can tell between the two above!) I loved being the model for these photos, especially the depressed photos, it's so much easier to act sad than happy haha - that must say something about me! For a couple of the depressed photos, we had a low exposure and long shutter speed being 3-4 seconds for me to shake me head and to create a distorted face which looks very cool yet freaky.

If you take media studies or decided to carry it on into higher education, please let me know your thoughts as I'm always eager to know more about the subject. 

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